Another in our occasional series, covering late-night BBC One handovers to the BBC News Channel.
Most nights, after BBC One has played out its final programme of the day, it joins the BBC News Channel at a random point – for example, in the middle of a news report or when a pre-recorded programme is already under way.
Occasionally, the BBC One programme schedule allows for a tidier handover. And in the early hours of Monday morning, we got two fine transitions to the News Channel.
BBC One Wales opted for a full countdown sequence. The countdown actually starts at 86 seconds, allowing a few seconds at the end to hold on the shot of BBC Broadcasting House.
On network BBC One, they joined the BBC News Channel bang on the top-of-the-hour (though it looks as though they clipped the final frame of the News Channel’s countdown – but we’ll overlook that, just this once).
RELATED ARTICLE: A lesson in how not to execute a BBC One/BBC News Channel handover.
PICTURED: BBC News Channel countdown. COPYRIGHT: BBC.