The BBC’s new self-promotional film made its linear TV debut last night on BBC One, after the final edition of The Green Planet.
The two-minute promotion was launched online on 2nd February.
Kerrie Bright explains the thinking behind the trail:
We are all striving to provide something for everyone on the BBC and as a celebration of everything the BBC shares with audiences, we’ve launched a new film called This Is Our BBC. The film is part of a strategy we started developing last year to demonstrate how central the BBC is to UK culture, and that it truly belongs to each and every one of us. It will appear on social media from today, and on Sunday it will appear on TV for the first time after The Green Planet.
Kerris Bright, chief customer officer, BBC
Everyone has their own version of the BBC based on what they enjoy the most. This might be R1Xtra or The Archers, Match of the Day, Top Gear, or EastEnders. The BBC is unique to each of us but shared by us all. It’s the essence of a true public service broadcaster.
This Is Our BBC features a cast of famous faces from Idris Elba, to Sir David Attenborough, Jodi Comer, Dizzee Rascal and newsreaders through the ages. It also captures some amazing and memorable moments we have shared – Freddie Mercury at Live Aid, Adele at Glastonbury and the Proms. I’m sure you will spot something you love – moments, faces, programmes – those things we smile and laugh along to; share with friends and family and remember fondly, or sometimes shed a tear to.
The fact it comes to screens now is quite timely, given much has been said and written about the future of the BBC in recent weeks. In many ways, that goes to the very heart of what the BBC has been, is and will be in the future. We are at the very heart of UK life. Everyone will have a view on what the BBC does well or their favourite moments and, of course, what we could do better.
It is essential there is debate on the role of the national broadcaster – after all it belongs to all of us. We play a role in people’s lives like no other media organisation and we want to be something that people not only value but get value from. Ninety per cent of all UK adults use the BBC’s services every week, and that rises to almost 100 per cent over a month.
This Is Our BBC reveals that the BBC is a reflection of who we are, across all our nations. We are here to represent communities, bring people together, witness moments in history and celebrate sporting success. It shows us there should always be something for everyone on the BBC and I think that’s something we should all reflect on and be proud of in our 100th year.
PICTURED: This Is Our BBC promotion. COPYRIGHT: BBC.