A round-up of the week’s stories and observations.
- MON 2ND OCT (1.05PM)
BBC News at One in Studio E…again - MON 2ND OCT (9.50PM)
RTÉ announces Aertel closure - TUE 3RD OCT (10.15PM)
BBC One North playout glitch - WED 4TH OCT (8.40PM)
Final day for BBC Points West set
Monday 2nd October
1.05pm BBC News at One in Studio E…again
The BBC News at One is in Studio E this lunchtime.
We’re not sure what’s up with Studio B this time.
UPDATE: Tuesday’s BBC News at One also came from Studio E.

9.50pm RTÉ announces Aertel closure
RTÉ has announced that its teletext service Aertel will cease transmissions next Thursday.
Initial test transmissions of Aertel began in late-1985, with an official launch in 1987.

Tuesday 3rd October
10.15pm BBC One North playout glitch
A minor playout error resulted in a change of announcer during a BBC Action Line announcement at the end of EastEnders tonight on BBC One North.
It looks like BBC One North went in circuit a little late and caught the network announcer initially.
For those who don’t know: a number of regions in Northern England (collectively) receive dedicated BBC One continuity on weekday evenings (BBC One North).
Wednesday 4th October
8.40pm Final day for BBC Points West set
This is the final day that BBC Points West will broadcast from its current set. Tomorrow the programme will take up residence in a temporary set.
Its new look main studio will have its on air launch c. December.
RELATED ARTICLE: Timeline: 2023 Week 39.
RELATED ARTICLE: Timeline: 2023 Week 41.
PICTURED: RTÉ Aertel front page (1987). COPYRIGHT: RTÉ.