Not quite sure what was going on in the BBC News Channel gallery at 5.30pm today, but we had a trio of minor cock-ups in the space of a minute.
The first hiccup came when the end-of-headline sting kicked in prematurely as presenter Martin Croxall was reading one of the headlines.
Immediately after the sting, we were taken to Victoria Derbyshire at Westminster, in error. We then quickly cut back to Martine in the studio who commented that she had been cut off in her prime.
Martine then went on to cover the lead story – the confidence vote on Boris Johnson. Full-screen graphics were used to help highlight the key points. However, ten seconds later, a camera above the news desk was put to air.
Martine carried on reading her script. We cut back to the full-screen graphics after six seconds.
PICTURED: Martine Croxall on the BBC News Channel. COPYRIGHT: BBC.