STV went to an ad break about a minute-and-a-half ahead of time, causing Scottish viewers to miss out on the final portion of part one of tonight’s edition of I’m a Celebrity.
The Scottish broadcaster let the full ad break go out but then had to fill for time until they could rejoin the ITV network feed for the start of part two of the programme.
When the ads finished, we had 15 seconds of black and silence. This was followed by a Dreams sponsorship sting and a trail for Dry Water.
A Tombola sponsorship sting for I’m a Celebrity then kicked in, giving the impression we might be returning to the programme. But not quite yet.
An STV ident then played out in full before freezing on its closing image of the STV logo. This remained on screen, in silence, for a further 50 seconds, before we returned to I’m a Celebrity.
With thanks to UKPres for the clip.