Staff at BBC News have today been informed of changes planned for the Singapore operation.
Most of the editorial team based in Singapore come under the Money and Work team and provide news and business coverage for the BBC News channel, from 2am until 5am.
The new plan for Singapore will see the creation of seven new roles: a news editor, five senior journalists and one journalist. These roles will come under news channel line management and will be advertised internally and externally.
The existing Money and Work team will be scaled back significantly – with all senior journalist roles being closed – with a new focus on “high impact, multi-platform stories”.
The new roles will be advertised soon, with recruitment expected to be complete by early March.
The changes will bring Singapore more into line with operations in London and Washington DC. Singapore will also assume technical autonomy, allowing it to operate independently of London.
In the communication to staff, BBC News channel executive news editor, Paul Royall said the change “allows us to deepen the BBC’s ‘Follow the Sun’ editorial strategy, with channel teams working closely with digital colleagues and delivering live news 24/7 from London, DC, and Singapore.”
PICTURED: BBC News opening titles. COPYRIGHT: BBC.