A round-up of the week’s stories and observations.
- MON 13TH JAN (11.10PM)
London Live announces closure - SAT 18TH JAN (12.30AM)
Newsnight’s new emphasis on its BBC Broadcasting House base - SUN 19TH JAN (8.45PM)
London Live head of news issues parting message on social media
Monday 13th January
11.10pm London Live announces closure
Earlier this evening, London Live announced it is to close:
“We want to update our loyal followers that very sadly London Live will be closing down.
“The TV channel will no longer be on air from 12am on 20th January and the final news programme will be on 16th January at 6pm.”
Earlier this month, Local TV Ltd confirmed a deal with London Live owner Evgeny Lebedev to take over the local TV licence for London.
Local TV Ltd is majority owned by the media entrepreneur David Montgomery and operates local stations in the north of England, Birmingham, Bristol and Cardiff.

Saturday 18th January
12.30am Newsnight’s new emphasis on its BBC Broadcasting House base
Newsnight has recently added live shots of BBC Broadcasting House to the start and end of the programme. There are also occasional verbal references to the fact the programme is based at Broadcast House.
Sunday 19th January
8.45pm London Live head of news issues parting message on social media
Tanya Francis, head of news at London Live, has posted a message on social media on the final day of broadcasting for the local station, outlining the challenges posed by social media to operating a local news service for broadcast channels.
“That now brings us to the very sad end of London Live, with the channel coming off air at midnight tonight.
“Now, when this channel started ten years ago, it looked very different to how it does today.
“But what has remained throughout is the spirit of keeping local news alive. And our passion for telling the stories that count and giving the voices in our community that matter a platform to be heard.
“Our industry is facing huge struggles, and people don’t sit on their sofa at home and watch news like they used to.
“We’re losing the ability to be able to communicate in this way as technology and social media dominate the arena, but your voices and opinions should still be heard.
“And so we encourage you to have your say when it comes to the Labour government deciding on the future of local TV licences later this year, so that we can make sure that they go to the right people who will cover local news in the way it should be. Just like we’ve done here at London Live since 2014.
“Today is a sad day for me as it brings seven years to a close of sitting here and talking to you about the city that I love so much.
“But to make all of this happen, there’s a brilliant team of people, many who have been here since the start.
“So for one last time, from me and the rest of the team here at London Live, thank you for watching and goodbye.”
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PICTURED: London Live logo. COPYRIGHT: Lebedev Holdings Limited.