Minutes before this morning’s edition of BBC Breakfast was due on air, a rehearsal of the programme’s opening headlines went out on BBC One and the BBC News channel in error.
The problem occurred near the end of BBC One’s overnight simulcast with the BBC News channel.
A prerecorded weather bulletin – presented by Louise Lear – had just started. Within 15 seconds, we cut to BBC Breakfast’s gallery output. The programme had just started a rehearsal of the 6am opening sequence.
A minute or so later, the rehearsal terminated and the gallery switched to its opening shot, for the live 6am broadcast, and cut studio sound.
Moments later, we cut back to the weather forecast.
A minute later, BBC One ended the overnight simulcast of the BBC News channel, as usual at this time of the day, with its own junction into BBC Breakfast.
BBC Breakfast then aired as expected from 6am.
PICTURED: BBC Breakfast rehearsal airs on BBC One in error. Presenters: Charlie Stayt and Luxmy Gopal. COPYRIGHT: BBC.