A scheduling error caused confusion in some BBC One nations and regions, with some regional news programmes failing to air, falling off air or suffering a delayed start.
The regional news slot should’ve started at around 1.30pm (the BBC News at One is shorter by fifteen minutes this week due to Olympics coverage). However, the handover to the nations/regions took place at 1.21pm, with some regional centres being caught off guard.
BBC London was put to air whilst the presenter was rehearsing a link. We quickly cut to a package, which aired in its entirety but remained on its final frame for much longer than usual.
We returned to the BBC London presenter, who linked into another package. The package ran for just under 30 seconds before we cut to the BBC News filler mechanism, which remained in place for just over two-and-a-half minutes.
Part of a BBC News channel UK opt then aired before we cut back briefly to the BBC London studio and then back to Salford.
BBC East Midlands Today failed to air at all. Viewers in that region saw what went out on BBC One London.
Some nations/regions had a delayed start – varying from a few seconds to over two minutes: BBC Reporting Scotland; BBC Spotlight; BBC Midlands Today; BBC Points West.
In the case of BBC Reporting Scotland, a rehearsal of a live piece from Westminster by their political correspondent Rajdeep Sandhu was inadvertently put to air briefly.
PICTURED: wall of nations and regions shown during the BBC News at One. COPYRIGHT: BBC.